Saturday, January 22, 2011

notes pgs 202-217

- most landscape shots focus on the natural world without the presence of humans
- tends to be more formal for that reason

Landmarks in Landscape Photography
- before photography- tradition of painting landscapes
      - first photographers looked at paintings for inspiration- landscapes

Photographing the Landscape
      - 1 to 2 inches in any direction can make a difference
- explore the variations when taking a shot (move in different directions)
- value- very important in black&white photography
      - wide range of tones- more dramatic
      - narrower range- more contemplative
- achieve balance between unity and variety
- leaning towards unity- more peacful
 -          "          variety- more energetic

Camera Settings
- maximize depth of field
      - stop down a lense as far as it will go
-medium format cameras
      - f/16, f/22, or even f/32
- large format cameras
      - f/64
              - longer shutter speeds

-"golden times"
      - just after sunrise
      - just before sunset
- grand landscape photographs- direct lighting creates the highlights and shadows that make a landscape seem 3-D
- for closer shots of trees and forests, direct sunlight creates highlights & shadows that have no detail
- for closer views- most photographers choose overcast days that reduce the highlights and shadows

- 100 ISO film with 35mm cameras
- sometims color can overpower other elements

- wide-angle lenses
      - allow you to include close & distant objects in the same shot
            - greater sense of depth
- telephoto lenses
      - for concentrating on details or areas in the distance
- macro lenses
      - very helpful for abstract images

- yellow filter- bring out clouds
- red filter- black skies & dark white clouds
- red filter with polarizer- ultimate black & max contrast

photo taken with yellow filter

Camera Support
- slow film & small f-stops = need a tripod

The Great Landscape
- the big view
- wide-angle lens

Landscape Details & Close-ups
- direct sun in wooded areas can make shooting more diccicult
- "quiet light" - overcast

Abstracted Elements in the Landscape
- elements composed of line, shape, values & textures
- telephoto or macro lenses work best
- depth of field
      - stop lens down as far as it will go

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