Thursday, November 4, 2010

Notes from video on photography-1900-1938

-we take photos for granted now - theyre part of our everyday  lives
-brownie camera - $1
-working class could afford
-before brownie - you would get your picture taken 1 to 2 times in your life
-they would be posed, stiff, not natural at all
-in its first year, a quarter of a million brownies were sold
-people started making post cards with photos on them
-photos of any random thing they wanted to send to someone
-national geographic -only words - losing business- no one was really interested
-had pictures of Tibet - put them in the next issue
-people love it, national geographic subscribers went way up
-people got to see the different cultures of the world
-the west was dominant and most advanced at the time so people thought the pictures were wondersul but the people were "inferior"
-previously unaware of the totl split culturally around the world, so it was odd to see these people from other countries
-these photos influenced not only how people saw the world, but what they believed
- just "pressing a button" was not thought of as art, so people started putting vaseline on their camera lenses and scratching out the negatives, to name a couple, on their photos to make them seem more artsy
- pictures of children working and of the war- shocking to everyone
-straight photography- take things the way they are, not manipulate them in darkroom- exactly how they looked in your viewfinder
-Illustrated Daily News - start of tabloids - oldest tabloid
- staging photograhs to make one thing seem like another, or give stronger effect
- exposing huge stories -sneaking cameras in places - cover page

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